Oscar, a furry, newborn sea otter, discovers that his home is in Monterey Bay, a world of water. He is solely dependent on his mother for food, security, and guidance. When mother goes for food, Oscar is left alone for the first time. Rather than stay put as his mother instructed, he decides to explore the environment on his own. He encounters a variety of sea creatures, from the shy hermit crab to the gentle octopus and the hungry shark. These sea creatures, some nice and some not so nice, are able to encourage Oscar to return home and be content with his mother’s love and direction. Oscar decides that home is a good place to be with his family. And to enjoy life as a sheltered, young sea otter. Appropriate for ages 1 – 7
10×8 • 58 pages • $13.07
ISBN 978-1935530879
Our family settled the Northwest Territory as missionaries shortly after the Lewis and Clark Expedition (1836). We were fed and protected by the Nez Perce Indians. Their respect for nature has remained an important family value. We’ve learned to turn the harsh winters into positive experiences and consequently a greater appreciation of the other seasons. A B.S. degree in Education and graduate work in counseling and guidance provided the foundation for a teaching career. In addition, a major in fine arts, design, and art history started the need to “capture the view.” After thirty years of teaching primary grades and raising a family, I decided to pursue my art career on a fulltime basis. At the present time I have created almost three hundred watercolors and the majority have been sold, donated to charity, and a few given to friends. This is my first venture combining the skills of kindergarten teacher and watercolor painter into a vivid piece of literature. Carol Harrison, 2014.
Customer Reviews
The artwork is fantastic! (By “Amazon fan” on July 12, 2014)