“Our Stories of Alamos” edited by Patricia Hamilton

our stories of alamosCOVER“Our Stories of Alamos, Un Pueblo Magico: Alamos, Sonora,Mexico (Volume 1)”

a STORY COLLECTION by Women of Alamos

A collection of 81 women’s stories about their love of, and experiences in the Spanish mining town of Alamos, Sonora, Mexico. Learn about local customs, architecture, lodging, restaurants, locals and expats, housing, plants and animals. An excellent resource for anyone considering vacationing in or retiring to Mexico.

10×7 • 164 pages • $13.50


ISBN 978-1483972879

“Oscar, a Sea Otter Pup: The Sea Creatures of Monterey Bay” by Carol L. Harrison

OSCAR A SEA OTTER PUP COVER“Oscar, a Sea Otter Pup: The Sea Creatures of Monterey Bay”

a CHILDREN’S BOOK by Carol L. Harrison

Oscar, a furry, newborn sea otter, discovers that his home is in Monterey Bay, a world of water. He is solely dependent on his mother for food, security, and guidance. When mother goes for food, Oscar is left alone for the first time. Rather than stay put as his mother instructed, he decides to explore the environment on his own. He encounters a variety of sea creatures, from the shy hermit crab to the gentle octopus and the hungry shark. These sea creatures, some nice and some not so nice, are able to encourage Oscar to return home and be content with his mother’s love and direction. Oscar decides that home is a good place to be with his family. And to enjoy life as a sheltered, young sea otter. Appropriate for ages 1 – 7

10×8 • 58 pages • $13.07


ISBN 978-1935530879

Our family settled the Northwest Territory as missionaries shortly after the Lewis and Clark Expedition (1836). We were fed and protected by the Nez Perce Indians. Their respect for nature has remained an important family value. We’ve learned to turn the harsh winters into positive experiences and consequently a greater appreciation of the other seasons. A B.S. degree in Education and graduate work in counseling and guidance provided the foundation for a teaching career. In addition, a major in fine arts, design, and art history started the need to “capture the view.” After thirty years of teaching primary grades and raising a family, I decided to pursue my art career on a fulltime basis. At the present time I have created almost three hundred watercolors and the majority have been sold, donated to charity, and a few given to friends. This is my first venture combining the skills of kindergarten teacher and watercolor painter into a vivid piece of literature. Carol Harrison, 2014.

Customer Reviews

The artwork is fantastic! (By “Amazon fan” on July 12, 2014)

“Passionate Ladies” by Barbara Perry


a ONE WOMAN SHOW by Barbara Perry

One Woman Show written and performed by Barbara Perry: Five hilarious sequences, five very different but equally dazzling ladies. Everything from strip-tease to Shakespeare—from toe-shoes to tap dancing!

8×5.2 • 68 pages • $9.50


ISBN 978-1877809088

Barbara Perry, about whom it is said, she is the only contemporary performer who can emulate both Ruth Draper and Paul Draper with equal success,” gathered the material for Passionate Ladies during a notably diversified career. Since her auspicious debut as the Baby in Madame Butterfly at the Metropolitan Opera at the age of four, the dancer-actress-writer has enjoyed a career that spans from nightclub to Broadway, from ballet to tap dancing and from coast to coast. On Broadway, Miss Perry has appeared in Hecht and MacArthur’s Swan Song, opposite the legendary Eddie Foy Jr. in Rumple and Burgess Meredith in Happy as Larry. In London, she starred in the famed Café de Paris and the Palladium and in Zip Goes a Million, starring England’s beloved George Formby, which ran for two years at the Palace Theatre. Miss Perry is a recognized television performer who has been seen on many series as well as specials for Dinah Shore, Dean Martin, Frank Sinatra and Johnny Carson, to name a few. She has also appeared in dozens of American national companies and west coast musical productions. Miss Perry is a member of Theater 40, Beverly Hills, Theatre East and Theater West. She won two Los Angeles Drama Critics Circle Awards for writing and performing Passionate Ladies and two Drama-Logue awards and Santa Barbara’s Independent Award for her one-woman show. As a young girl, this extraordinary performer also won the RADA award at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts in London.

“Remembering Gordon Street” by William H. Wallace Jr.

rememberinggordonstCOVER“Remembering Gordon Street”

a MEMOIR by William H. Wallace Jr.

I remember a car, a red Chevy convertible. Mom said when they got it as a wedding gift, “it was as bright and shiny as a red toy top pulled out of the toe of a Christmas stocking.” They’d had some wonderful times with that car, but now the war was on, Dad was gone, everything was in short supply, especially gasoline and tires. Rationing was in effect, and you couldn’t buy a drop of gas without an “A” card, and even then Mom said you “couldn’t get enough to get around the block.” So, making a game out of it some people called “frogging,” we’d crest a hill cutting the engine coasting as far on the other side as we could.

But when they started rationing re-tread tires Mom figured the “game is just about up, without even re-treads we’ll be riding around on bald tires waiting for a blow out.” She wasn’t joking thinking of her friend Patty on her way to work having a double blowout. Patty’d limped her old Plymouth over to the curb getting out, kicking the dead tires in frustration, sitting down on the curb crying because one of the tires was her spare. She was out two tires without even a re-tread replacement, telling Mom if she’d had a gun she’d have shot her car putting it out of its misery.

So, it was a real surprise Mom taking me for a “joy ride” with the top down on the road next to the beach somewhere between Venice and Santa Monica just before sunset. Felt like we were driving faster than the thirty-five mile victory speed limit, listening to the bald tires rushing over the road with the swooshing sound of sandpaper smoothing a piece of wood. Air whistling in through the wind-wing, sounding like steam screaming out of Granny’s big teakettle. Wind tugging, pulling my hair back, Mom’s Betty Grable hairdo swirling around her head like a spider weaving a web across her face so she kept brushing her hair back with her hand trying to keep it out of her eyes. Turning radio on, Mom singing with Andrews Sisters, “I’ll be with you in Apple Blossom Time.” Me, like a dog sticking its head out the car window, mouth wide open gulping, cheeks wobbling, tongue tasting the salty air like licking the top of my Nabisco cracker before crunching it up putting it in my tomato soup. Salt-wind tears seeping from the corners of my eyes, Mom’s eyes stinging, too, tears running all the way down her face, one dropping from her chin to her lap disappearing among the white polka dots in the fold of her blue dress.

Mom told me to try and remember as much as I could like I was going to mail a penny picture postcard to myself. I think it was on her mind she hadn’t gotten a letter from Dad in a long time, and the last time she got one the censors had read it before she did, blocking out some parts making her wonder what he’d written that she was missing. I think that’s why she took me for that ride in the red Chevy convertible on the beach road that meant so much to them. The moonlight rides they’d taken together before the war. She was driving the car with me sitting beside her, thinking of my dad, scared. The sun turning color from a grapefruit to an orange at the edge of the ocean went down in a splash leaving an orange glow against the sky. Starting to get dark and cold, Mom pulled over to the side of the road, and we spotted the first evening star. Mom said we should make a wish—I think we were wishing the same thing. Putting up the tan canvas top pretending it was a circus tent, the ocean looking like a black rolling blanket with a line of silver curls before the waves crash sounding like a huge newspaper being crumpled up in the hands of a giant.

The next morning, Mom got up slipping into her slacks and Eisenhower jacket taking the car keys off the white rabbit’s foot key chain, hanging the key chain over the door “for good luck.” I asked, but she wasn’t sure why it was supposed to bring good luck, laughing and saying, “I guess it wasn’t good luck for the rabbit.”

6×9 • 262 pages • $17.10


ISBN 978-1935530855

Customer Reviews

  • Bill, you’ve done it again, great stories. I thought your first book was good, but, this one was even better. It brings back memories of growing up in Pomona, California. i enjoyed all the stories you put into your book. It got so where I’m hoping there will be a series of Remembering Gordon Street. Or maybe you will venture into another type of book. Guess I will just have to be patient and see if one develops. You are truly a great writer and know we all have stories to tell. Thanks again, for sharing (By Lois Swick on Jan. 18, 2014)
  • This book is a must read! Wow! We are grabbed by a mystery in the very first chapter of the book. I will not give away anything except to say that I could not put it down. One minute I was thinking that I knew the outcome and the next minute I wasn’t so sure. But, I do know that I could not put the book down until I came to the end of the chapter. So, I read on. Once again as in “Ghosts”, Mr. Wallace takes us back in time to post WWII America. And, as I saw the pages that I had read growing in number compared with those that were left to read diminishing, I wanted to slow the reading down so that the story could continue and yet I was driven to keep on reading. Mr. Wallace begins by relating to the reader that a strange object floats up on Venice beach one morning, igniting fear, speculation, and wonder. At the same time, on a different beach. over 3,000 miles away, my father, then in the Navy, was patrolling for enemy submarines in the Atlantic Ocean of the coast of Norfolk, Virginia. We are all united, often without knowing it, in a moment in time, that binds those of us who experience it together. And, once again, Mr. Wallace takes us there. He set the stage for the time by relating stories of family and friends and other residents of Gordon Street. He tells of the things they do together, their traditions, their strengths, their weaknesses, their successes, their failures, and their dreams. And, Mr. Wallace conveys all of this through his skilled way of relating stories about the characters’ individual experiences and their experiences together. I want to extend a very special thanks to Mr. Wallace for finding a way to bring “the girl in the white shoes” into “Remembering”. I fell in love with her in “Ghosts”. And, I was not disappointed. It was a very touching story. I would love another book. Perhaps, “Where Are They Now?” GREAT JOB! (By Mrs. Carol Selva on March 21, ,2014)
  • I enjoyed this book so much, I hated to finish it! Does this make sense? I didn’t want to see the story end, so I forced myself to read only a chapter at a time to make it last longer. Mr. Wallace’s first book, “Ghosts of Gordon Street”, told the tragic story of Dwainie, the pathetic kid that sees to be a universal character in everyone’s childhood — you know – the kid that pretty much everyone ridicules, avoids, and perhaps even fears a little. Within that story we got to see bits and pieces of other characters so intriguing that I wanted to know them better. “Remembering Gordon Street” goes a long way toward granting my wish. I loved meeting Granny, the homesteading woman who could shoot a varmint or pluck a chicken, but loved her elegant clothes and her collection of perfume bottles. Mom and Dad, Poppy, and Uncle Bill all came to life on the pages of this book. And I loved Casimer, the genius kid who’s at the opposite end of the scale from Dwainie – also ridiculed, avoided, and feared a little by all the other kids, but who had too much going for him to be bothered by it. I hope Mr. Wallace is already at work on another Gordon Street book because there are still plenty of stories waiting to be told and I can’t wait to read them. (By “rabid reader” on Jan. 24, 2014)
  • What a truly engaging book this is. Wallace is a gifted writer that transcends the long list of talented authors that have mastered the skills necessary for penning exquisite descriptions of people, places, things and events. By gently, gradually and seamlessly sliding the reader from the role of a remote observer into a full-fledged story participant, he clearly distinguishes himself from the pack. Get ready to meet Thomas R. Hawk, Jeremiah Stroad, Casimer, Gary, Miss Kingsley and other unique and intriguing neighbors residing in the vicinity of Gordon Street. In the process of meeting these folks, you begin to understand that most all of us have been abundantly blessed and have shared many of the same and similar experiences while living in America on our Gordon Street. Remembering Gordon Street, by William H. Wallace, Jr., is a book I highly recommend. I would be remiss if I failed to mention that Wallace’s first book, Ghosts of Gordon Street, is also a must-read and comes with my highest recommendation. (By Bob R., Jan. 4, 2014)
  • Redefining the Inland Valley. Wallace has done it again. I loved the first book. This is even better. I did not grow up on Gordon Street or even in Pomona. I grew up in LA and Van Nuys. These stories are universal and so very moving. I went to the same Saturday matinees, had the same dirt clod fights from our forts dug out n the vacant lot. I had the same kind of quirky neighbors and saw returning soldiers suffer their night sweats and family violence. That car on the cover could have been my mom’s. I did not want this book to end. The characters are so real and their situations very touching. It is like being in a movie that you want to go on and when it ends you want to see it again. Thanks Bill Wallace for a deeply satisfying literary return to my boyhood in an urban neighborhood long long ago. (By Robert E. Smith on Jan. 6, 2014)
  • A MUST read. Remembering Gordon Street is the story of an era that will never be seen again in this country. Those of us who grew up in that period can identify with the times, the characters, and the innocent joys of living during that time. Remembering Gordon Street is one of the best accounts of post-World War 2 America, specifically in Southern California. We who lived it appreciate the opportunity to relive it through the eyes and words of William Wallace. And any who did not live through the time should read this book to see what they missed . . . the 1940s and 1950s . . . the BESt time ever to grow up in a much different America. Let’s hope Mr. Wallace is busily planning to continue the series. It is a MUST read. (By Lowell G. Rice on March 2, 2014)

“Tickle Me Pink, The Collection” by Molly Shoemaker Schaechtele

tickle me pink collection cover“Tickle Me Pink–The Collection: Lighthearted Poems about Cancer, Survival and Hope”

a POETRY COLLECTION by Molly Shoemaker Schaechtele

In the Tickle Me Pink—THE COLLECTION, the author, a four-time cancer survivor, celebrates the humor, grace, and indomitable spirit of cancer survivors everywhere.

5×8 • 134 pages • $8.96


ISBN 978-1499653441

Customer Reviews

Molly reminds us survivors to savor every post-cancer day we are lucky enough to have. “Light-hearted poems about cancer, survival, and hope,” it says on the hot pink cover of “Tickle Me Pink! The Collection.” That sums up the 127 pages of poems that Molly Shoemaker Schaechtele wrote while dealing with cancer and many of its consequences. The poems aren’t all as rosy as the cover, but they are honest and remarkably upbeat overall. Some of them aren’t award-winning examples of poetry, but it’s the message that matters. The last poem, “Every Death Should Count for Something…” is stunningly sad, profound and, by the conclusion, uplifting. Knowing that the author lost her battle with cancer in 2013 makes her warrior attitude even more impressive. As a breast cancer survivor, I smiled and I cried with Molly as she continued to beat back the beast. I highly recommend “Tickle Me Pink,” to women currently dealing with the disease. We have laughed. We have cried. We have bonded. We can’t forget those women who didn’t make it, but Molly reminds us to savor every post-cancer day of life that we are lucky enough to have. (By Leslie N. Patino on July 27, 2014)

I love you Mom. Molly was my Mom, and now she is my angel Mom… Her poems are so inspiring and give hope and laughter to those in need. It’s her legacy. She wanted to reach the hearts of many woman who could use a little extra encouragement! I love you Mom! Thank you for these amazing poems! (By Maida Springart on Sept. 30, 2014)


“Love, Blanquita” by Blanca McNatt Schield


a FAMILY HISTORY by Blanca McNatt Schield

Blanquita is descended from R. Sebastian Lopez Ruiz, born in Panama City to parents who had emigrated from Spain almost a century before Simon Bolivar’s wars of independence in South America. Dr. Ramon Maxmiliano Valdes, one of his grandsons, became the fourth President of Panama in 1916. Blanquita tells these and other fascinating family stories about growing up in Panama.

8×5.2 • 86 pages • $10.76


ISBN 978-1502471222

Customer Reviews

  • Panama with Love. Each chapter stands alone, from those based on historical research to ones steeped with first-hand accounts. The author’s command and wit shine throughout. A gem! For those interested in Panama, as well as those wanting to climb into a vivid Latin Amercian family tree, this memoir gives unique insights into to eras that might make one wish for the chance to experience them once again. (By Murphy on October 3, 2014)

“Dangerous Knaves” by Sterling Johnson

dangerousknavescover“Dangerous Knaves”

a NOVEL by Sterling Johnson

Why do they hate this little guy? In this blend of gripping action and wry black comedy, three-foot, six-inch Winthrop Mead comes of age—and it’s a struggle! He’s smart. He’s friendly. The ladies love him. So: l Why is he banned in Boston? l Why does a vengeful cop want his hide? l Why is he hounded by an outlaw biker gang? (And those are the least of his problems!) A fanatical army general, a reactionary toy maker, and a sleazy ad man are among the Dangerous Knaves on the hunt for a top-secret weapon. With its roots in Nazi Germany, their quest for ultimate power involves a decades-old web of greed, false identities, espionage, blackmail, kidnapping, and murder. From the depths of the Atlantic Ocean to the mountains of Big Sur—with stopovers in Germany, Boston, Cape Cod, and San Francisco—the intrigue builds. It’s a twisted world of unexpected dangers and unanswered questions. And against all odds, little Winthrop Mead is forced to untangle it.

5.2×8 • 308 pages • $12.30


ISBN 978-1935530787

STERLING JOHNSON—pseudonym of California writer Jeffrey Whitmore—is also the author of the St. Martin’s Press bestseller English as a Second F*cking Language (“Great f*cking book!”—Stephen King) and Watch Your F*cking Language (“One of those rare smart and funny books.”—Penn Jillette).

Customer Reviews

  • A different sound. From the author of the brilliantly brief “Bedtime Story,” a different sound, part Cold War thriller, part noir, with a radical slant, not to mention height. Comic, mad, edgy, at times hallucinatory, it stars a protagonist unlike any other. (By Steve Hauk on Feb. 21, 2014
  • Outrageously funny and original…a wonderful vehicle for a movie starring the actor Warwick Davis, of Life’s too short fame, the hilarious docu-comedy by Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant (By “pcoelho” on Aug. 9, 2013)

“Cocktail Party Priest” by Rayn Random

cocktail party priest cover“Cocktail Party Priest: A True Story of Friendship, Betrayal and Triumph”

a MEMOIR by Rayn Random

Following the death of her beloved husband, Rayn retreats to her new home by the sea, anticipating a life less stressful. But she soon finds herself drawn into the rescue of a failing, 100 year old, Episcopal Church. Within months, church elders hire a young priest to facilitate the work, with the help of Rayn and other church members. Unbeknownst to Rayn, while the church flourishes with new life, the priest is destroying her own life with outrageous and false claims, including that she is really a man with false breasts who is stalking him—a crime punishable by imprisonment. These lies are unquestioningly believed by all as the church hierarchy turns a deaf ear to Rayn’s appeals to silence her accuser. Instead, they cover up to protect him. With only one choice left, Rayn risks everything in a desperate, last effort to restore her name and reputation.

5.5×98.5• 202 pages • $13.46


ISBN 978-0984972906

 Customer Reviews

  • I believe this provocative and powerful book is the truth as I was a member for many years of his church in Mills River, NC. He brought the same characteristics that created problems for him in Monterey, California where he was a priest in an Episcopal Church to our church. I can understand the pain that Ms. Random had to endure as “who doesn’t trust their priest”. This book is beautifully written and I believe one of those books that readers will long remember. Fortunately, he has resigned from our church, but sadly he has started another mission with people who were new to the church and just are not aware of these traits. (By “Avid Kindle Reader in NC” on April 14, 2013)
  • Could not put it down. I read this book because I know the person about whom it was written and could relate personally with what he had done. (By Adele M. Kenny on April 5, 2013)
  • What an amazing experience. I hesitate to say story but it does read as a stunning novel if only it were. I too started this book and had read it within 72 hours. This may seem easy, but for someone who works 10 hours a day. It was so compelling that I just could not put it down. A must read for any one. Rayn Random shows how easily a witch hunt can start then gain momentum. How we accept on face value what we are told, especially if the person is revered, a priest someone most of us respect. She had the resolve and strength to fight the injustice, many people would have walked away. In your wildest imagination you would never come up with this story. An absolute must for everyone to read. (By Helen on March 14, 2012)
  • I loved this book and could not put it down! I read it this weekend. It was well written and What a Story! Rayn Random did a great job exposing the hypocrisy in the Episcopal church she was so faithful about attending and participating in and they turned their back on her. I liked it as much as “Good Christian Bitches” and that is now a TV Show! I was happy justice was served! (By Suzanne M. Altobello on March 12, 2012)

“Born in Yosemite” by Peter T. Hoss

BornInYosemite“Born In Yosemite”

a MEMOIR by Peter T. Hoss

Peter Hoss relates his story from the perspective of someone whose parents, when he was born, were already intimately involved in the life of Yosemite National Park. Herman and Della Hoss were friends with Ansel and Virginia Adams, and his children became Peter’s best friends. Peter’s love of Yosemite, its lore, its beauty, its fascination, and his sense of fun and spirit of adventure were pre-destined. Personalities and individuals who have worked in Yosemite, in the High Country, or Yosemite Valley, seasonally, or for longer periods, are all influenced by their unique experiences – colorfully described by their friend, Peter Hoss.

7×9.9 • 331 pages • $29.95


ISBN 978-1935530220

Peter T. Hoss was born in Yosemite Valley in 1934. He graduated from Stanford Law School in 1958 and practiced law in Monterey County, California, 1962-1999. He has been an employee in the Park and a legal adviser to Park entities. Currently he is a board member of the Ansel Adams Gallery, a member of the John Muir Heritage Society, The Yosemite Conservancy, and a trustee of A Christian Ministry in the National Parks. Peter visits Yosemite regularly to enjoy its scenic beauty and to visit friends. He maintains interest in current political controversies and other developments. After traveling extensively, statewide and worldwide, he has never found anything comparable to Yosemite.

Peter Hoss Bracebridge Dinner
Peter Hoss, Visiting Squire at Yosemite’s Bracebridge Dinner, Ahwahnee Hotel, with his friend, Carol Robles. 2014.

Customer Reviews

  • Fascinating insights into Yosemite National Park. “Born in Yosemite” is a wonderful book, offering far more than the title indicates. The author is one of very few people born in Yosemite. He grew up surrounded by people whose names are known the world over, such as Ansel Adams and his family. Hoss describes a time in this beloved place that no one will ever experience again. But he then goes on to deliver much more: inside information on years of disputes over how Yosemite should be “managed,” disputes among well-intentioned people who disagree passionately about how many people should visit the park, how they should be controlled, what amenities should be provided, who should “run” the park and more. Anyone who loves Yosemite will be absorbed by this behind-the-scenes view of battles that raged for years. And there is even more: short biographical studies of people who are “icons” associated with Yosemite. Altogether. this book is a real treasure, provided by an author with a unique understanding of his subject. (By Barbara Mountrey on March 24, 2012)
  • Wonderful book about Yosemite in the 20th and ideas for 21st Peter Hoss reveals a special artisan lifestyle at the wonderful Yosemite National Park. His mother started writing a book filled with art about the trees in Yosemite of which I hope to see a second edition. Also his ties to the Ansel Adams family. Peter Hoss wrote this beautiful book with his ideas about how to look at national parks in general and Yosemite specially, my relatives and I love the inside information that is extremely accurate and about full love for the Yosemite park. The information is filled with details unknown to many people. Actually after reading the book the author invited me to come over from the Kingdom of the Netherlands to visit Yosemite and its wonderful history. All that has been written in the book appeared to be 100% true. We also visited Wawona with its famous grand piano player Tom Bopp whom also had written a chapter in the fabulous book. We loved Half Dome, Bridalveil Falls (the highest in US) its trees its fall colors, the historic sequoias and historic not indiginous Vermont maple. Also we loved Mono Lake, a wonderful remarkable feature unique in the whole world. We loved the book for its accurate inside information about the Yosemite park and love to visit this beautiful park over and over again. (By “pmflip” on November 4, 2011)
  • Great book on recent history of Yosemite. This book is full of great inside information on the people and the legacy that is Yosemite. It is truly enjoyable. (By “GEP” on March 26, 2013)
  • A must read for lovers of Yosemite. Fantastic book. Peter grew up in Yosemite. His best friend was the son Ansel Adams. Lots of great photos. (By Eugene Burkett on July 12, 2014)

“Twice in a Lifetime” by Gerald Marchi

TWICE IN A LIFETIME COVER“Twice in a Lifetime: My Two Bouts with the Grim Reaper”

a MEMOIR by Gerald Marchi

My otherwise normal life has been punctuated by two shocking bouts with near-fatal illnesses. For years, I have wanted to tell the story of those events and to chronicle the impact that they had on me and upon the course of my life. I also wanted to give credit to the amazing medical personnel who helped bring me successfully through those dark days. Moreover, I wished to acknowledge the family members and friends who stood faithfully by my side and who went with me through those deep waters. I especially wanted to share with others my experiences that, in both cases, included extraordinary events, remarkable coincidences, and heart-warming expressions of love and support.

5×8 • 74 pages • $10.40


ISBN 9781500627638

 Gerald Machi was born, raised, and has spent his entire professional life working in the family farming business. For the past dozen years, he has been working on our Marchi Ranch in Pescadero, California. They are truck farmers, raising and marketing various vegetable crops, including leeks, fava beans, and particularly Brussels sprouts. The Pacific Ocean, which is across the road from the family farm, provides them with a ceaseless acoustical background of booming surf.